"Ukraine’s National Recovery Plan" was officially presented by Prime Minister of Ukraine D.Shmyhal within the framework of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which took place in Lugano, Switzerland on July 4-5 2022.
Ukraine offers partner countries to join the reconstruction of one of the regions, cities or villages of Ukraine destroyed by the Russian army, as well as to contribute to one of the sectors defined in the Plan and support the implementation of the Plan.
United24 was launched by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy as the main venue for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine.
Funds will be transferred to the official accounts of the National Bank of Ukraine and allocated by assigned ministries to cover the most pressing needs.
UNITED24 raises funds to be used in three directions: defence and demining, medical aid, rebuild Ukraine.
The priority regions for receiving humanitarian aid are the regions on the territory of which hostilities are taking place or have taken place.
To speed up the customs clearance of humanitarian aid, you can use the electronic customs declaration form: https://customs.help.gov.ua/en/
Support from international businesses, NGOs and governments
Global and local businesses are standing with Ukraine and following the lead of government sanctions by withdrawing their operations and severing trade ties with Russia. Aviation, finance, logistics, retail, IT, automotive industries, along with many others, have made bold steps to make their own contribution to peace in Europe. More information at: https://war.ukraine.ua/the-world-stands-with-ukraine/
Conform Serviciului de Stat pentru Statistică al Ucrainei, la finele anului 2021, volumul comerțului dintre Ucraina și România se ridica la 2.340,02 mln USD (2020 – 1.764,8 mln USD), din care exporturi – 1.543,6 mln USD (2020 – 1.080,9 mln USD) și import 796,3 mln USD (2020 - 683,8 mln USD).
Principalele grupe de mărfuri de export din Ucraina au fost: metale feroase - 16,1% din volumul total, mașini electrice - 14,6%, minereuri, zgură și cenușă - 13,4%, lemn și produse din lemn - 8,3%, combustibili minerali - 6,8%, îngrășăminte - 4,8% și încălțăminte – 4,5%.
Principalele grupe de mărfuri de import din România în Ucraina au fost: mijloace de transport terestru cu excepția celor feroviare - 18,8% din volumul total al importurilor, mașini electrice - 17,0%, reactoare nucleare, cazane - 6,4%, lemne - 6,1%, combustibil mineral. produse - 5,4%, produse farmaceutice - 4,2%.
Mai multe detalii aici: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/.